Hot Fire Training
Highest degree of temperature resistance from simulant smoke (200°C+)
Over 50 years experience with hot fire training centre installations worldwide
Over 100 ViCount systems installed in the worlds largest hot fire training centre HMS Excellent and Raleigh
Work in conjunction with LPG fire places, used to top up smoke levels during carbonaceous burns
Creating thermally bouyant smoke to replicate real smoke spread
Helping to create a controllable training environment with extreme realism
Hot Fire Training
Concept’s ViCount smoke generators are installed throughout the world in quality hot fire training centres – providing the most realistic artificial smoke effect possible. They are also used to add smoke during carbonaceous burns.
The majority of fire training centres and schools use gas to replicate the appearance and heat of a real fire but one thing gas doesn’t produce is smoke!
The ViCount range of oil-based smoke generators from Concept produces a smoke with a temperature resistance up to 200C, so realism can be added to Hot Fire simulators
effectively and safely.
Water-based smoke in contrast will layer at temperatures from 40-60C and so, if used in a hot fire compartment, the smoke is effectively pushed to the floor, so the trainees are standing in clear (though hot!) air.
The world’s largest maritime Hot Fire Training centre (HMS Excellent) has accumulated over 750,000 operating hours on ViCount systems since 2001. The reliability and serviceability of the systems is ranked by the facility operator as 95%.
Our clients say…
We could not believe the difference in smoke effect we achieved within the simulator, simply by using the ViCount smoke.
Demonstration Video
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