Even if training or smoke logging in unheated conditions, the smoke produced by the ViCount will out-perform all conventional water based alternatives, whilst dramatically reducing the consumption of Smoke Chemical. Typically, users of water based glycol smoke systems can experience reductions of 80-90% in smoke chemical consumption, for similar if not better smoke densities.
Please note that the ViCount can also be programmed/adapted to cater for Concept’s water based smoke fluid.
Concept’s main priority with all smoke generators is the safety of the smoke – especially in Fire Training Applications where extremely dense concentrations are needed to create the most realistic scenarios possible. Whilst out performing water based smoke systems, the smoke from the ViCount is also the safest in its class, tested by the Health and Safety Executive, National Occupational Hygiene Service, US Navy and the AWE (Atomic Weapons Establishment). When dense concentrations are needed for training purposes the ViCount uses a fraction of smoke fluid compared to water based smoke systems to achieve a given effect – meaning that LEL’s are much much lower!
The unit produces a non-toxic, food-quality, artificial smoke entrained in an inert carrier gas stream (usually CO2 or Nitrogen). ViCount smoke, although intrinsically bio-degradable, does not evaporate like conventional water based systems.
A comparison of a Concept ViCount Smoke Generator and a typical water based smoke system at Hertfordshire’s Hot Fire Training Centre.
The ViCount requires virtually no maintenance due is its automatic purge system. After every operation the ViCount clears any remaining smoke fluid, preventing carbonisation in the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger on this unit and all of Concept’s mains powered smoke generators are guaranteed for life.